Sabiny FM community radio establishment in Bukwo with funding from the Netherlands Embassy to the REACH Programme in a bid to reaching Bukwo, parts of Karamoja and parts of the north western Kenya with anti FGM messages and other health and welfare services to the community. Its managed now as part of the NGO but plans are underway to set as a separate business entity
When put to full use its able to cover the much of Bukwo district , parts of Kween and much of Karamoja and Western Kenya covering the FGM practicing tribes of Pokot Uganda & Kenya, the Tepeth, Kadama and all the communities in and around Bukwo. The Government fund for FGM from the MGLS&D, has renovated, expanded and provided equipment, tools and assisted in staffing and is designed to be self-sustainable in the near future.
Vision and Mission
Goal- To enhance reproductive health conditions, human rights, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Gender Based Violence prevention, care for orphans, widows and FGM victims in communities that practice FGM.
Vision: A leading community, culture based information center for socio-economic empowerment.
Mission: To provide well researched education, inspiration and entertainment information by qualified knowledgeable staff for the local, regional and international listenership.